
  • Set up 3 complete levels with the third one including a boss fight.
  • Included planets that can give the player power ups when flown over.
  • Included black hole pairs that transport the player around the level.


  1. Created flash effects for boss and mini-boss enemies so they flash white when hit.
  2. Added unique sounds for when boss and mini-boss enemies are hit and when destructible asteroids are hit.
  3. Added a blink effect to blackholes to indicate they are on cooldown.
  4. Changed the game music according to the power-up affecting the player.
  5. Added a sound effect to the player life-up drops which persists even after the life-up object is collected.
  6. Changed the respawn effect to allow the player to respawn in place but be disabled for a short duration.


  1. Created 3 unique power-ups that can be triggered by flying over the corresponding planet.
  2. One power up doubles the player's movement speed.
  3. One power up doubles the player's fire rate.
  4. One power up doubles the player's damage as well as doubles the player's projectiles' size;
  5. Added Life-up drops to enemies which increase the player's life count.


  1. Created 4 new enemy types with unique behavior, including a boss enemy.
  2. Shooting Asteroid enemies will launch themselves in a set direction if they are not destroyed in time.
  3. Alien Station enemies are stationary, but will aim at the player, rotate, and shoot projectiles.
  4. Pyramid Station enemies spawn kamikazi chasers until destroyed.
  5. Boss enemy includes:
  •  a health bar UI element
  •  a spawn asteroids behavior which spawns them in a staggered fashion around the boss
  •  a launch asteroids behavior which only launches the asteroids on the player side of the map
  •  a spawn battle station behavior which spawns a random battle station (alien or pyramid) in one of four possible locations
  •  a spawn dome behavior which only triggers if the boss health has hit a configured threshold (50%) and makes the boss invulnerable from the side of the map the player is on. 

UI :

  1. Added a player life count to the UI which displays the life count in real time and preserves this count between levels.
  2. Added a player power up icon to the UI which display the current planet power up affecting the player.
  3. Added a boss health bar to the UI which only displays when a boss is engaged and tracks the boss health in real time.


  1. Added a script to allow objects to blink in and out and be optionally invulnerable for the duration.
  2. Added a script to handle the boss health bar behavior.
  3. Added a boss script to handle all the behaviors associated with the unique boss, including coroutines to handle ability cooldowns.
  4. Modified the enemy script to include a loot table and drop chance.
  5. Modified the halth script to change player spawn behavior.
  6. Added a script to allow for updating the player's current life count in the UI.
  7. Added a script to allow for updating the player's current power-up in the UI.
  8. Added a script to allow black hole pairs to warp the player to each other and manage their animation and cooldowns together.
  9. Added a script to handle proximity detection to allow for power ups and blackholes to detect when the player is in range.


Created by Rafael Secomandi


Windows.zip 39 MB
MacOS.zip 48 MB

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